Lessons from Nathan's Life and Death
We have learned much and continue to learn from Nathan's life and death. We hope these lessons will be helpful to you. But we also want to mention that we agree with the following quote from Jerry Sittser in his book, "A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss."
"Yet writing this book has not mitigated my sense of bewilderment and sadness. The help it may bring to others does not justify the loss or explain the tragedy. My suffering is as puzzling and horrible to me now as it was the day it happened. The good that may come of the loss does not erase its badness or excuse the wrong done. Nothing can do that."
Lessons Shared by Nathan's Father at the Funeral
Trent Watford, Nathan's father, shared two lessons he learned from Nathan's death. One lesson related to the danger of alcohol and the second related to the importance of not hiding our struggles. Click on the title above to read the entire text of his thoughts. You can also listen to the remarks on the related video.
Lessons Shared by Nathan's Brother at the Funeral
Jonathan Watford, Nathan's older brother, shared a challenge for those at the funeral to consider their preparation for death and the importance of faith in Jesus Christ. Click on the title above to read the entire text of his thoughts. You can also listen to the remarks on the related video.
In the future we hope to add what we are learning about the following areas:
Facing Suicide